An evening on Western Mysticism with Mira Riddiford

8 June 2017, 7pm.
Nelson Buddhist Centre, 87 Nile St.

Most of us seeking experiences in mindfulness, meditation or enlightenment turn to the excellent Eastern spiritual traditions. But what of our Western spiritual inheritance? In this evening talk, we will explore how Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Norse civilisations have supported their societies to meet their lives with grace and insight. Anyone with a love of classics, art history or even mythological-themed movies will find this subject matter fascinating to meditate on. These symbols and archetypes are still very present and alive in modern day culture.

Throughout time, spiritual traditions have recognised the value in humanising and personifying subjects. For instance, ancient Greek civilisation honoured Pan as a way of nourishing laughter, playfulness and feeling connected to nature; Thor for strength and power; and Huntress Artemis for her love of the wild and protection of the divine feminine.

Great minds like Plato and Carl Jung taught on Archetype for a profound reason; archetypes nourish our humanity and help us understand what propels civilisation. These contemplations have been created as a doorway to vast understanding.

$5 (free for NBC members)
Plus dana (donation) for Mira
Contact Lara to register: or 021 220 0974


About Mira Riddiford:
Mira is a New Zealand based dharma, meditation and mindfulness teacher. With over 20 years of experience, she has been trained through retreat work, study and apprenticeship. Mira’s warm and engaging style breathes life into these classical teachings.