Kumanu Wangapeka February 2020


Eftpos Machine in the Office
It was agreed to a six month trial of not having Eftpos available in the Centre Office, with internet banking being the preferred, and most used option, when making payments.

The Kitchen Certification has been successfully renewed. The board is looking into purchasing a small bar fridge for rapidly cooling leftovers in order to maintain our responsibility with Tasman District Council compliance and health and safety.

Fire evacuation plans
These have been worked on and approved by Fire Emergency NZ. Many thanks to Patrick along with Jo Leyland, James Matheson and Graham Sandlant for their fantastic work on this.

New Electric Chainsaw
The BOT thanked Tim Leyland for his generous purchase of an electric chainsaw for the centre. There are other tools that the centre is needing to obtain that we will look into purchasing in the next few months.

Programme of retreats
Reminders for submissions for the 2021 programme will be going out soon.

Electrical upgrade
This will be started in the next couple of months with a date yet to be confirmed.

There has been an amazing response to our fundraising campaign. It was noted in the Fundraising report the sustained efforts of Shea Dawson, valuable contributions from Shelley Keach and the efforts of Iain Verigin in putting up reminders and making a video (can be viewed via the Wangapeka website)

New members for Trust Board
The BOT wholeheartedly agreed to co-opt Shelley Taylor on to the board, to be elected at the AGM. Shelley, who lives on the West Coast, is a long-term member of the Wangapeka.
More new members for the BOT are needed.

Updated procedures and policies
As a regular requirement of the BOT we are in the process of updating policies and procedures. These include the complaints procedure and Health and Safety.