“Septical” Doubt and the Cycle of Life

Some three years ago our septic tanks were cleaned out by the Richmond based Simply Septic company. Our storehouse of nutritious consumption had reached its absolute. It was a massive relief to call in the professionals with their extraordinary industrial mechanisms to take care of this business. 

The Simply Septic truck is a heavy duty large technical sort of a beast, I met it at the cattle grid on its way up ushering it through the gateway in the electric pig fence and not over the corrugated cattle grid. On its way back down carrying its immense cargo, I, the Landcaretaker made a blunder: I did not ensure the truck a safe passage back through the gateway. Instead the bulky tanker of waste went right over the top of the solid steel cattle grid caving it completely in. 

The truck disappeared down the dusty driveway leaving me gasping at a new cavity in our infrastructure... I tried to bend it and manipulate it back into its original form but lacked the super human strength required. So for three years cars would drive over this indentation with caution. I carried with me a deep sense of disappointment and disillusion in association with this seemingly unfixable problem. 

Then the solution came back up the driveway. Simply Septic came again to take care of some more business. The capable driver operator remembered the cattle grid incident and shared that he too wanted to amend for the part he had played. Once again carrying the cargo down the driveway we met at the cattlegrid. We removed the grids and flipped them over like pancakes on a hot pan. The truck then with great skill and precision drove over the grids leaving them as good as new. This time as the truck departed I was left with the most bizarre sense of completion in a samsaric sense. One little turn in the "great wheel" had been realised. There is no place in my mind for "septical" doubt!